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The Rev. Scott Murray

What does is mean to love one another like Christ loves us? Where will it take us?

There was a woman who moved to America from Africa, Maria was from Angola, and she was always laughing, sparkling in her faith. Love overflowed from her. One day she went to meeting on evangelism. All kinds of strategies, pamphlets, statistics were distributed to all. Much time and thinking turned to figuring out the best way to get people into church.

At one pint, someone turned to Maria. As the church in Africa is growing leaps and bounds, they asked her what they did back home. What was their "methodology"? After a moment's thought, she said, "we don't give people pamphlets or do missions. We just send one or two Christian families to live in a village. And when people see what Christians are like, then they want to be Christians themselves."

The bottom line of Christianity is how much you have loved others in the image of Christ. It is relationship. Relationship is the web which strings together the universe. As St. John of the Cross said, "When the evening of this life comes, we shall be judged on love."